Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Raffle for Charity!


Hello friends,

You asked, we answered.

We're pleased to present our raffle to benefit Beads of Courage.

The lucky winner will receive this lovely bear pair, named "Please", by lovely artist Sandra Czaja.

"What is Beads of Courage?" you might ask.
I'm here to tell you this is an amazing organization!

This truly unique program provides beautiful glass beads to kids who are facing extreme and difficult health challenges. The kids are given a bead for every treatment, surgery and other hurdle they must endure.
As their bead collection grows, the long strands become an important symbol of survival, endurance and courage.
In the unbearable times when families have lost their child, Beads of Courage sends a final butterfly bead to complete the strand, as well as outreach for ongoing support.

Beads of Courage provides over 100,000,000 beads a year! (Yes, that's a HUNDRED MILLION)
Glass beads, specialty beads, artist beads...some are carried by marathoners, endurance climbers, people in all sorts of unique challenges and are then sent with hand written notes of encouragement.

We hope you'll visit the Beads of Courage website, beadsofcourage.org to read about the work they do on behalf of kids. I hope you'll be as inspired as much as I have been.

Our raffle will work a little differently from the past. You'll donate to our Beads of Courage team directly... then I'll print tickets based on the amount of your donation.
One ticket for every dollar donated.
(You can also choose to donate anonymously. If you do, just send us a message so we'll know whose name to put on the tickets!)
Thanks in advance for your support and good luck in the raffle.
p.s. The drawing will be October 1st.

Click here join, donate & enter...

Thank you in advance for your generosity ~ Teddy Bear People are Truly The BEST!

p.s. if you prefer not to click links in blogs... just visit our website at mostlybears.com for info!